Re: E-memberships

Here is one idea. My wife belongs to several bonsai societies. One of these  
gives members the option of receiving their newsletters by email. Suky really  
likes this because she gets the newsletters faster. I print them out and she  
maintains them in a file. It would be possible for me to keep the newsletters 
on  a CD or floppy if Suky wanted me to do it--she doesn't. 
There may be AIS members, especially younger members, who might like to get  
their Bulletins via email instead of regular mail. If so, and if it is 
feasible,  it might save AIS considerable cost of printing and mailing--if enough 
people  wanted to do it. Dues could be reduced significantly for a category of  
membership who elected to get their Bulletin by email. 
I have no idea of what level of interest there might be in this. I simply  
propose the idea for consideration. (I am not one who would be interested in  
such a program--I love the Bulletin as I receive it in the mail.)  Clarence

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