Re: AIS Bulletins

Clarence:  The same line of thought applies to our mailer as to the USPS!!!  Why would our mailer's service suddenly deteriorate for the Jan issue???  Bruce

-------------- Original message -------------- 

> In a message dated 3/22/2006 7:53:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
> writes: 
> From someone who lives in Australia - is the postal system privatised in the 
> US? 
> If not it looks like your postal system is pretty bad from this distance. It 
> makes me want to contact our postal system and see what their systems are as 
> we never have this sort of problem - but then our population base is a whole 
> lot smaller overall. Now I understand why articles from the US take so much 
> longer than anywhere else. 
> Pat Toolan 
> South Australia 
> The USPS is remarkably efficient and effective. The AIS has been mailing the 
> Bulletin to its members since 1920. I have served on the Board since 1991 
> and throughout the 90s I heard of no systematic problem of Bulletin delivery in 
> the US. Oh, there would be the isolated failure to receive, late receipt or 
> damaged Bulletin from time to time---but these were isolated incidents. It 
> does not make sense to me that suddenly the postal service would deteriorate. I 
> continue to believe that the problem is our mailer. Clarence Mahan 
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