Re: Emeritus Judges

Well said.  I also agree with Terry Aitken's comments.  It must  be earned 
by performance not just by number of years as a judge.  Being  willing and 
able to judge or teach judging outside one's own area is a necessity  with 
me.  And I am reminded of one nationally known hybridizer who was  voted down 
because he refused to judge certain iris classifications in  shows.  He may 
have had excellent knowledge of TBs but was woefully lacking  in other 
classifications, even as a master judge.
Jim M.
In a message dated 6/19/2012 10:36:18 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

The  reason you do not see a great number of Emeritus Judges is because a 
judge  must earn this status.  He or she should not be given the status just  
because they are a good person in the region.  They should be given this  
status because they have gone far and above what is expected of them as a  


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