Re: Victoria BC Presentation

This worked great.  Thanks, John!
Please let me know when/if I can share this with the Affiliates.

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 2:31 AM, John I Jones <> wrote:
> Ted Baker, Chair of the 2011 Convention, gave a great presentation at this
> year's awards banquet.
> It would be a very useful tool to help any of you that are selling raffle
> tickets to encourage people to buy the tickets, or ,for that matter, just to
> attend the convention.
> We have a version of the presentation available on a web site for viewing
>  or to download to your own system. This version has the speakers notes
> embedded on the appropriate slides.
> In order to download the file you will need to sign up for a Slideshare
> account, but it is free and easy to do.
> John                | "There be dragons here"
>                          |  Annotation used by ancient cartographers
>                          |  to indicate the edge of the known world.
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