Victoria BC Presentation

Ted Baker, Chair of the 2011 Convention, gave a great presentation at this year's awards banquet.

It would be a very useful tool to help any of you that are selling raffle tickets to encourage people to buy the tickets, or ,for that matter, just to attend the convention.

We have a version of the presentation available on a web site for viewing  or to download to your own system. This version has the speakers notes embedded on the appropriate slides.

In order to download the file you will need to sign up for a Slideshare account, but it is free and easy to do.

John                | "There be dragons here"
                         |  Annotation used by ancient cartographers
                         |  to indicate the edge of the known world.

USDA zone 8/9 (coastal, bay)
Fremont, California, USA
Director, American Iris Society
Chairman, AIS Committee for Electronic Member Services

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