Re: AIS PayPal Webpage

On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 22:11:03 -0700 John I Jones <>
> Hi Paul,
> On Jun 12, 2006, at 9:18 PM, Paul W Gossett wrote:
> > John,
> >
> > The Society for Louisiana Irises would like to be included on the 
> > PayPal Webpage.
> Great. Please fill in the information below.  I sent it previously 
> to 
> Richard Sloan, but haven't heard back.
> Thanks
> If you would like your Sections membership(s) available on the AIS 
> PayPal subscription page please provide the membership rates for the 
> types listed below. I realize that some of them are on your 
> individual 
> websites, but so that I don't make a mistake please fill in the 
> information.
> Different Sections have different membership types. I have tried to 
> make the list below as universal as is reasonable. Because of the 
> way 
> PayPal is set up a subscriber cannot calculate their own particular 
> rate (e.g., overseas cannot be listed as $X.XX more than a domestic 
> rate), each rate must be specifically listed.
> If your society does not have a particular type please list N/A.
> If a membership type is not listed, please add it at the bottom.
> If a Senior discount applies, please add entries for those 
> memberships.
> Please indicate below if domestic rates apply to Canada and Mexico, 
> if 
> not add entries for those rates.
> Overseas means any address other than within USA, Canada and Mexico
> Section Name:
> Domestic rates apply to Canada and Mexico  (Yes/No):  NO
> Single Domestic  $13
> Dual Domestic
> Triennial Domestic  $32
> Dual Triennial Domestic
> 10 Year Single Domestic
> 20 Year Single Domestic
> Family  Annual Domestic  $16
> Family Triennial Domestic  $44
> Family 10 Year Domestic
> Family 20 Year Domestic
> Single Lifetime Domestic  $200
> Dual Lifetime Domestic  $200
> Youth Domestic
> Single Overseas  $20
> Dual Overseas
> Triennial Overseas  $52
> Dual Triennial Overseas
> 10 Year Single Overseas
> 20 Year Single Overseas
> Family  Annual Overseas  $23
> Family Triennial Overseas  $52
> Family 10 Year Overseas
> Family 20 Year Overseas
> Single Lifetime Overseas  
> Dual Lifetime Overseas  
> Youth Overseas
> John                | "There be dragons here"
>                           |  Annotation used by ancient 
> cartographers
>                           |  to indicate the edge of the known 
> world.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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