RE: My second AIS ballot issue -- three iris per class on the Dykes Medal ballot
Michelle, I must have been typing my comments when you put out the motion
for vote. Sorry.Susan Boyce > Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 08:22:01 -0700> To:> Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] My second AIS ballot issue
-- three iris per class on the Dykes Medal ballot> From:> > As I mentioned my email of 6:54 AM today, the
time for > discussing/opining on the above motion had concluded and it is now
out > for vote. All comments should have been addressed during the period of
> discussion.> > Michelle> > On 7/29/2014 7:13 AM, Susan Boyce wrote:> > Hi
all, I also have concerns about having an iris, that has dropped off the> >
ballot, being put back on due to no other iris being the Special Medal winner>
> in a particular year. It is totally unfair to other irises that have been>
> dropped, to have irises put back on to give them a second chance to win. I>
> also feel that an iris that has not won the Special medal should not be> >
considered for the Dykes, just because we have to have "three cultivars of> >
each classification" on the eligibility list for Dykes. I would be
extremely> > hesitant to ever vote for irises that are on the ballot for these
two reasons.> > I would like to see the "three cultivars" requirement
dropped.Susan Boyce >> > Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 15:43:56 -0700> To:> Subject:> > [AISdiscuss] My second AIS ballot issue
-- three iris per class on the Dykes> > Medal ballot> From:> > Since my previous item> > is being voted on,
I want to get this one being > discussed now, so that it> > can be handled
immediately. It is even more > complicated than the first one,> > I am
afraid.> > One rule probably known by few judges is that the ballot for> > the
Dykes > Medal is supposed to include at least three cultivars from each> >
class of > irises. The text of the appropriate section of the Handbook is> >
below.> > "To ensure that there will always be three cultivars of each >> >
classification of iris on the eligibility list for the Dykes Memorial > Medal>
> on the Official Ballot, the iris which wins the Dykes Memorial > Medal will
be> > replaced on the list by the Special Medal winner and the > first
runner-up> > (and second runner-up, if necessary) for that > classification of
iris> > (excepting tall bearded where three Special > Medals are awarded each
year).> > Any iris deemed eligible for the Dykes > Medal which has not won the
Special> > Medal for its classification will > retain its normal eligibility
for its> > classification Special Medal."> > I have two issues with the way
this is> > handled in the Handbook:> > 1) when fewer than three candidates
would be> > available in a class, the > current rule is to use runner(s)-up
from the> > Special Medal ballot in > that class. Two things bother me about
this---it> > means that an iris will > be on the ballot in two places, the
Special Medal> > and the Dykes Medal; > and it means that an iris will be on
the Dykes Medal> > ballot, for the > best iris in the land, without having won
the Special Medal> > as the best > iris in its class. That just seems wrong. I
would much prefer> > that an > earlier winner of the Special Medal, that had
been on the Dykes> > Medal > ballot but had dropped off after its three years,
be put back.> >> > Therefore I am suggesting that the rule (but not
necessarily the wording > in> > the Handbook) be changed to the following, and
that the appropriate > motion> > to do so be made after the current voting is
completed:> > "In cases where> > there would otherwise be fewer than three
irises on the > ballot for the Dykes> > Medal in any iris class, the most
recent earlier > winner(s) of the Special> > Medal in that class that have
been dropped from > the Dykes Medal ballot shall> > be added back to the
ballot in order to > bring the number of candidates up to> > three."> > 2)
there are two ways I am aware of by which fewer than three> > candidates >
could be normally available, and the Handbook mentions only> > one---a > nonTB
winning the Dykes Medal in its first or second year of> > eligibility > (if it
wins in the third year it would have dropped off the> > ballot any > way). The
other way is that a Special Medal could be won by an> > iris > originated
outside the US and Canada, but first introduced here. Such> > an > iris is
eligible for all awards on the AIS ballot except the Dykes >> > Medal. If this
happens there will again be only two iris in that class > on> > the DM ballot.
In my opinion, fixing this part does not require AIS > Board> > action, since
the rule is "at least three cultivars per iris > class" and the> > part about
there being fewer than three because of a > non-TB willing is just> > an
incomplete explanation that can be handled in > the on-going Handbook> >
revision process.> > Gerry Snyder> Awards Chair> >> >
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