RE: My second AIS ballot issue -- three iris per class on the Dykes Medal ballot
Hi all, I also have concerns about having an iris, that has dropped off the
ballot, being put back on due to no other iris being the Special Medal winner
in a particular year. It is totally unfair to other irises that have been
dropped, to have irises put back on to give them a second chance to win. I
also feel that an iris that has not won the Special medal should not be
considered for the Dykes, just because we have to have "three cultivars of
each classification" on the eligibility list for Dykes. I would be extremely
hesitant to ever vote for irises that are on the ballot for these two reasons.
I would like to see the "three cultivars" requirement dropped.Susan Boyce >
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 15:43:56 -0700> To:> Subject:
[AISdiscuss] My second AIS ballot issue -- three iris per class on the Dykes
Medal ballot> From:> > Since my previous item
is being voted on, I want to get this one being > discussed now, so that it
can be handled immediately. It is even more > complicated than the first one,
I am afraid.> > One rule probably known by few judges is that the ballot for
the Dykes > Medal is supposed to include at least three cultivars from each
class of > irises. The text of the appropriate section of the Handbook is
below.> > "To ensure that there will always be three cultivars of each >
classification of iris on the eligibility list for the Dykes Memorial > Medal
on the Official Ballot, the iris which wins the Dykes Memorial > Medal will be
replaced on the list by the Special Medal winner and the > first runner-up
(and second runner-up, if necessary) for that > classification of iris
(excepting tall bearded where three Special > Medals are awarded each year).
Any iris deemed eligible for the Dykes > Medal which has not won the Special
Medal for its classification will > retain its normal eligibility for its
classification Special Medal."> > I have two issues with the way this is
handled in the Handbook:> > 1) when fewer than three candidates would be
available in a class, the > current rule is to use runner(s)-up from the
Special Medal ballot in > that class. Two things bother me about this---it
means that an iris will > be on the ballot in two places, the Special Medal
and the Dykes Medal; > and it means that an iris will be on the Dykes Medal
ballot, for the > best iris in the land, without having won the Special Medal
as the best > iris in its class. That just seems wrong. I would much prefer
that an > earlier winner of the Special Medal, that had been on the Dykes
Medal > ballot but had dropped off after its three years, be put back.> >
Therefore I am suggesting that the rule (but not necessarily the wording > in
the Handbook) be changed to the following, and that the appropriate > motion
to do so be made after the current voting is completed:> > "In cases where
there would otherwise be fewer than three irises on the > ballot for the Dykes
Medal in any iris class, the most recent earlier > winner(s) of the Special
Medal in that class that have been dropped from > the Dykes Medal ballot shall
be added back to the ballot in order to > bring the number of candidates up to
three."> > 2) there are two ways I am aware of by which fewer than three
candidates > could be normally available, and the Handbook mentions only
one---a > nonTB winning the Dykes Medal in its first or second year of
eligibility > (if it wins in the third year it would have dropped off the
ballot any > way). The other way is that a Special Medal could be won by an
iris > originated outside the US and Canada, but first introduced here. Such
an > iris is eligible for all awards on the AIS ballot except the Dykes >
Medal. If this happens there will again be only two iris in that class > on
the DM ballot. In my opinion, fixing this part does not require AIS > Board
action, since the rule is "at least three cultivars per iris > class" and the
part about there being fewer than three because of a > non-TB willing is just
an incomplete explanation that can be handled in > the on-going Handbook
revision process.> > Gerry Snyder> Awards Chair> >
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