Report #3; Partnering.
First, I am not sure I should be sending these now considering I have had no response that anyone has read them. Maybe I should be sending them later when we are done planting.
Another topic that was discussed at CAPS was Partnering. This is an in word right now in corporate America and Non-profits. Essentially it refers to the fact that sometimes two or more groups can help each other by working together.
This is nothing new. In 1993 I put on an Iris symposium (note a real symposium with 12 speakers) not a popularity poll in partnership with the Missouri Botanical Gardens, the American Rock Garden Society, SIGNA, and the local St. Louis Affiliate. The Budget was over 60,000 probably equivalent to $90,000 in todays money. It was a phenomenal success for everyone involved. This shows how things can be done with enough partners.
It was suggested at the meeting that conventions which are costly and have been flagging in attendance, might be a potential area for partnering. Several years ago we had a convention in Wisconsin. Coincidentally the Peony Society had their convention at exactly the same time with some overlapping venues. If we had only known we could have partnered ensuring better numbers for the convention hotel, etc. The Rose society suggested it might be possible to partner with us since in some parts of the country the seasons are overlapping.
Whether it be with other societies, botanical gardens, or some other entity we should keep our eyes open for partnering possibilities.