News & Notes Launch results

PR Committee report on News&Notes

The first news and notes has been sent. If you did not see it check you
e-mails for July 2,or 3. Here are some results after two weeks from the time

2185 were e-mailed to the addresses on file with AIS Membership

202 or 9.4 % bounced because the address was no longer valid. These will be
deleted from future lists but need double checking because once deleted they
cannot be added back.

1161 or 63% were opened, rather wonderful since the industry average is 20%,
and of those opened, 342 or 28 % clicked through to a topic.

Only 7 or 0.3% people opted not to receive the newsletter.

Compared to industry average;

Nonprofit - Education

Open 20.38%

Bounce 9.08%

Click thru 12.85%

B  Opt out 0.19%

News & Notes B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B  63%
B B B B B B B B B B B B  9.4% B B B B B  B B B B B B B  28%
B B B B B B B B B B B B B  B B  0.3%

I heard comments that the blog article was much appreciated, Thanks B  Andi
for the blog. Thanks to Wayne Messer for mastering the Constant Contact
program he did most of the work and serves as editor. Ideas for the early
August issue are welcome. We now have a great new tool for timely
communication to our members and in the future from our members. The first
edition is a great success. We will develop it slowly making it better and
better. So give us your feedback.

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