Re: News & Notes Launch results

Bob et. all, great work!

Guess my email was part of those bouncing maybe was my old one. Didn't get it. Could I possibly get it at


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 19, 2013, at 6:58 AM, "Robert Pries " <> wrote:

> PR Committee report on News&Notes
> The first news and notes has been sent. If you did not see it check you
> e-mails for July 2,or 3. Here are some results after two weeks from the time
> sent;
> 2185 were e-mailed to the addresses on file with AIS Membership
> 202 or 9.4 % bounced because the address was no longer valid. These will be
> deleted from future lists but need double checking because once deleted they
> cannot be added back.
> 1161 or 63% were opened, rather wonderful since the industry average is 20%,
> and of those opened, 342 or 28 % clicked through to a topic.
> Only 7 or 0.3% people opted not to receive the newsletter.
> Compared to industry average;
> Nonprofit - Education
> Open 20.38%
> Bounce 9.08%
> Click thru 12.85%
> B  Opt out 0.19%
> News & Notes B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B  63%
> B B B B B B B B B B B B  9.4% B B B B B  B B B B B B B  28%
> B B B B B B B B B B B B B  B B  0.3%
> I heard comments that the blog article was much appreciated, Thanks B  Andi
> for the blog. Thanks to Wayne Messer for mastering the Constant Contact
> program he did most of the work and serves as editor. Ideas for the early
> August issue are welcome. We now have a great new tool for timely
> communication to our members and in the future from our members. The first
> edition is a great success. We will develop it slowly making it better and
> better. So give us your feedback.
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