Re: Calendars?

Hi All
I just got my copy of the TURNER PUBLISHING CALENDAR, "IRISES", 2007.
Just as high quality as last year. (We had a sample at the storefront desk at the Portland convention.)
It has been quiet since before the convention in Portland and I was afraid the project had been dropped.
We recieved a royalty check several weeks ago and I have to admit that I was disappointed in sales based on that. I know that Schreiners offered it in their boutique last year..
I would like to ask John Jones if we can link Turner Publishing to our website in some capacity. Their web is <> The price of the calendar, this year, is $12.95 (US) plus postage. We should have an "early bird special" and I will contact them about that. Last year , it was a prepublication special but it looks like this has already been published so we will see. They are going after the wholesale calendar market this year. (It was too late in the year last year.)
Temp. in Portland over 100 today! Yes, we are a bunch of wimps!

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