RE: Notifications

For what two cents are worth these days...

This highlights one of our biggest deficits of communication with our
membership--we basically do not communicate with them electronically at all,
even as we have email information for (probably?) a majority of members.
The opportunities to communicate directly to a member's inbox are blindingly
obvious in this day and age and would essentially require no shift in
policy, etc.  We just need to start doing it.  Notices about convention,
electronic renewal reminders, monthly e-newsletter that would serve to cache
all the business/newsy update information that we tussle over from time to
time (an editor can dream, right?), etc. all are possible ways in which we
could begin cultivating relevancy with our members' inboxes.

So when do we start? :)

Kelly D. Norris
Farm Manager, Rainbow Iris Farm
Editor, Irises: The Bulletin of The American Iris Society
Bedford & Ames, IA 
Zone 4b/5a
Read my blog at:

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Robert Pries
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 8:08 AM
To: AISdiscuss
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Notifications

The E-mail below is the type of notification I recieve from the Daylily
Society about their convention. A nice touch and I can visit their website
for details. 

----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 8:12:26 AM 
Subject: American Hemerocallis Society - New Community Event: CAN AM CLASSIC
Missassauga, ONT Camada 

American Hemerocallis Society 

The event CAN AM CLASSIC Missassauga, ONT Camada has been added to 

To view the event details, please click the link below: 


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