Services for Dr. E. Roy Epperson

I just received this information from Roy's daughter.
Services for Dr. E. Roy Epperson are as follows:
Visitation on Thursday, January 28 at 5:30 pm at High Point University, 833 Moutlieu Ave., High Point, NC.  The family does not yet know in which building on campus the visitation will be held but stated that for those attending, campus personnel will be able to provide that information when you arrive.
Roy's funeral will be held on Friday, January 29 at 11 am at Christ United Methodist Church, 1300 N. College Drive, High Point, NC.
In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Roy may be made to the American Iris Society General Fund, c/o Lynn Williams, AIS Donations Secretary, 25415 Salmon Place, Willits, CA 95490.
Judy Keisling
AIS President

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