This topic on the iris wiki is so
important. I feel that without a doubt that the iris wiki should go
forward as one of the many faces of AIS. The more ways that the general
public can find us, the better. With all of the planned links to the AIS
Website, irisregister, and pushing e-membership of AIS that will be on
the iris wiki, there will be many opportunities for the public to not only learn
accurate information on the irises, but will be enticed to join AIS. So,
although this site will be free to the public, it will be an excellent source of
generating money for AIS, through e-memberships and new members to
irisregister. I think that a large percentage of the general population
gets their information by using the web and that it is critical that we tap into
this market.
Yes, I understand that John is concerned
that the revenue produced by irisregister will decline if people can get the
information on iris wiki, but as most everyone knows who has done any research
on the web, that to make sure you have accurate information for your research,
you must always go to the "higher" authority. In this case,
the "higher" authority is either the R&Is or irisregister. Thus, I believe having the iris wiki will
bring more people to purchasing the R&Is and using the irisregister,
especially with the links that Bob Pries is putting in the iris wiki.
I believe this will be a win-win situation
in that it will make a name for AIS as the place to go to get accuate
information on irises as opposed to going to Dave's Garden website, that it will
bring in more revenue by pushing e-memberships and irisregister memberships,
that it will bring more people to the AIS website, that it will help us reach
out to more of the general population. As more and more people use the web
for infomration and entertainment, this is the place we need to expand into,
without a doubt.
Lynn Williams