Re: Online Membership

I agree with the idea of the ability to access member expiration dates using an unprotected approach as John describes.  
  Gary White

John I Jones <> wrote:
  I am investigating what it will take to have the ability for a member 
to check their membership expiration date online and for RVPs to get a 
list of the Region members and expiration dates. (The database would 
have ONLY name, expiration date, and region number).

My question is this:

The easiest implementation would allow anyone to get the region list 
(or for that matter look up the expiration date of any individual)

There is no other personal information in the database. I don't think 
having the names/expiration date of everyone in the region is of value 
to anyone except the RVPs checking membership.

To put a password protected front end on the database would involve 
more programming and an administrative burden managing passwords. 
Having a single PW/ID published in the bulletin only keeps out people 
that don't have access to a bulletin (and of course requires that 
people remember where to find the PW)

Personally I favor the simple unprotected approach just like the SJI 
does. See:

(BTW the person that programmed the SJI lookup does not have the time 
to do the same for AIS, so I have to look for other solutions)

So your thoughts please (I'd like to hear from everyone please)


John | "There be dragons here"
| Annotation used by ancient cartographers
| to indicate the edge of the known world.

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