Re: Online Membership

     I believe there is no threat in making available the kind of information
John proposes.   I also favor the simple unprotected approach (just like the
SJI does).

In a message dated 1/18/07 12:37:16 PM, writes:

> I am investigating what it will take to have the ability for a member
> to check their membership expiration date online and for RVPs to get a
> list of the Region members and expiration dates.  (The database would
> have ONLY name, expiration date, and region number).
> My question is this:
> The easiest implementation would allow anyone to get the region list
> (or for that matter look up the expiration date of any individual)
> There is no other personal information in the database. I don't think
> having the names/expiration date of everyone in the region is of value
> to anyone except the RVPs checking membership.
> To put a password protected front end on the database would involve
> more programming and an administrative burden managing passwords.
> Having a single PW/ID published in the bulletin only keeps out people
> that don't have access to a bulletin (and of course requires that
> people remember where to find the PW)
> Personally I favor the simple unprotected approach just like the SJI
> does.  See:
> (BTW the person that programmed the SJI lookup does not have the time
> to do the same for AIS, so I have to look for other solutions)
> So your thoughts please (I'd like to hear from everyone please)
> Thx
> John                | "There be dragons here"
>                           |  Annotation used by ancient cartographers
>                           |  to indicate the edge of the known world.
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