"What approaches we might take to improve our most important product -- The AIS Bulletin"

Ladies and Gentlemen members of AISDiscuss:
     The points indicated below indicated by two ** were made by members of
the Board in the ongoing email discussion relevant to the search for a new
Editor of the Bulletin, and the desire to analyze Bulletin production,
Bulletin policies and what approaches we might take to improve our most
important product -- the AIS Bulletin.
>>  Jeanne

Hello all,
For a large number of our membership, I think the AIS bulletin is the single
"product" they see themselves getting for being a member.  The basis of
economics also tells me that having the lowest membership rate possible will
lead to higher membership rates.   I wish the membership rate was lower, not
specifically for myself, but so that it would attract more members. so that
more people would be receiving our wonderful AIS bulletin (promoting the
Iris!).  It is really hard in my area to sell new people on the bulletin when
it costs $25.  (But they'll go to the movies for $15!)

I wonder if we have any idea of what "draws" a new AIS member?   Are they
becoming (subscribing) to AIS because they saw the AIS bulletin and said to
themselves, "I WANT that magazine!"?   Are they becoming a member because a
club told them they'd like their officers to be an AIS member?   Are they
becoming a new member because someone talked them into becoming a member such
that they would also receive their Region's bulletin, or they felt because
they loved irises so much they thought they should get the bulletin of the
largest iris society?

Marketing and advertising have a short window of time to catch the eye of the
consumer.   In the internet world, they say it's something like no more than
15 seconds before a viewer clicks on another link to go elsewhere.   So the
thoughts I am raising, is, what are the bulletin strengths we have that may
catch the attention of new viewers (new members?), and/or what can we do to
double that impact. to make those consumers say "I want that
bulletin/magazine", and I'll spend $15, $20, or $25 to get that bulletin?

Why does anyone subscribe to a new magazine?   What do we all like most about
other periodicals we subscribe to?  What do we all like most about other
gardening magazines or bulletins we get?

I thought I would raise all of these questions because I think it would be
valuable for suggestions to come forth that use ideas of other magazines we
love to help us with review of the AIS bulletin.

A couple of periodicals I know that my family loved to read that I want to
refer to, were Country Magazine (www.country-magazine.com ) and Farm and Ranch
Living (www.farmandranchliving.com ), both published 6 times per year for
about $15.00.   The attribute of either of these magazines were the gorgeous
scenic photography throughout the magazines, in standard full size, 8 = x 11
inches.   These two are not necessarily my "favorites" (I'm not sure I have a
single favorite), but I'm mentioning them because of a particular quality I
like in them.

I would be interested in knowing from others, what other periodicals, garden
magazines or bulletins, they most like, and what attributes they most like
about those periodicals they would like to see in our AIS bulletin.  I think
it can help us to consider other magazine's attributes so that we pick up
ideas quicker.
Kitty Loberg

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