Re: Monograph Misunderstandings

Since time is getting short and the ASI needs an answer from us and once we make/second a motion we have 7 days of discussion and then 7 days of voting, I make the following motion:

"That the AIS Silent Auction at 2012 Convention provide space for the Aril Society International to offer a 1913 edition "Genus Iris" book by W R Dykes.  All proceeds to go to the Aril Society International.  ASI to provide security for the book while on site at the convention, details on reserve sale amounts and other specifics to the AIS Silent Auction Chair in advance, and provide a simple hold harmless agreement that covers the AIS and Region 15 of the AIS."


-----Original Message-----
>From: John Jones <>
>Sent: Feb 7, 2012 10:14 AM
>Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Monograph Misunderstandings
>As I recall, Lyn Wilson contacted us and inquired about offering the Dykes book for auction at either the AIS Silent Auction or the Geek Dinner because they had no venue that had as wide an audience and that it would be a benefit to them. That is not to say that having a Dykes at the Silent Auction would not draw an additional crowd. At the same time she inquired about revenue sharing. It was not a condition set by AIS. (Note that I am not advocating that AIS require any sharing of the revenue from the sale of the Dykes). At the time of the initial inquiry, I don't recall that any conditions concerning the bequest were enumerated to us.
>While AIS may have no direct liability, when something happens the claimant always looks for those with the deepest pockets and that would include AIS and the hotel (whether the claim is ration al or not)
>Since the Dykes is a bequest to ASI, it seems to me that the decisions, conditions etc. should come from the ASI President and Board of Directors and let the issues of liability and insurance up to those whose profession it is.
>On Feb 6, 2012, at 10:17 AM, Robert Pries wrote:
>> First; As explained before Francesca was a friend and I have been involved with the Aril Society and the Thoolen Family from the beginning trying to help fulfill Francescabs Will and see that her Iris stuff was placed in the appropriate ways. There seems to be a great deal of misunderstanding.
>> First Francescas and the wishes of the Aril Society preclude paying anything as a commission to AIS.
>> Second there is NO cost to AIS involved. There is NO liability since the Book will never really be in the hands of AIS. It is being held at convention in the hands of Lyn Wilson and she has sole responsibility for its well-being. Why then is any talk of insurance I do not understand. It is not AISbs problem. It you wish to insure the poster that will be in the auction, advertizing the book I estimate it as less then $5.00. 
>> The offering of this in the silent auction only enhances the interest in the AIS Silent auction. But if that is a problem ASI has no problem separating itself from the AIS activities. Payment will be made through the ASI Paypal account not AIS. 
>> Despite all sorts of wonderful values being tossed out for the book if there are no bidders above $750 the book will be held in reserve for another time, But I think many of the estimates of value are hugely distorted. The book is in good condition but not perfect. 
>> AIS does not provide insurance for ASI as it does for sections. There is no liability even indirectly. ASI was doing AIS a favor but if they can not handle that then we withdraw the offer. The answer is up to AIS and we need one this week so we can say what is being done in the ASI newsletter that is due now.
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