Re: Fwd: Iris pseudacorus unknown varieties

Dutch export nurseries are notorious for just putting on names of irises they
ship abroad. Clarence

-----Original Message-----
From: Capeiris <>
To: aisdiscuss <>
Sent: Mon, Feb 6, 2012 8:49 pm
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Fwd: Iris pseudacorus unknown varieties

Michelle: I believe someone in the British Iris Society could probablt answer
his. Dave

-----Original Message-----
rom: Michelle Snyder <>
o: aisdiscuss <>
c: Mike Lowe <>; plicataman <>
ent: Mon, Feb 6, 2012 10:20 am
ubject: [AISdiscuss] Fwd: Iris pseudacorus unknown varieties

he below email was received by me yesterday and if anyone can help answer the
uestions please do so.
------- Original Message --------
ris pseudacorus unknown varieties
un, 5 Feb 2012 11:49:07 +0100
rborea Farm S.S. Soc. Agr. <>

ear Michelle Snyder,
r farm has found a "Iris pseudacorus Spartacus" from a vendor who is
 the Netherlands
 would like to ask for your help.
 are looking for information about who was to hybridize and what is
s origin. You know help us in this search?
hanks for your attention. I apologize if I have written in bad
glish, I used an automatic translator.
st regards. Mauro Pizzolato
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