Re: AIS Silent Auction - your thoughts on this please

Good to have you jump in.  We are all in this iris hobby together but  it 
does take income to run things and AIS has been running deficit budgets for  
years as our membership has plunged.  Just last year we finally showed a  
small increase in membership and we are hopeful that emembership will start an 
 increasing trend.  Time will tell.  I still think a 10% commission to  AIS 
is reasonable and much less than a book dealer would charge.  
Jim M.
In a message dated 2/2/2012 12:37:03 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

About  two hours ago I made comment but it seems to have not appeared on  
I too have been forwarding the discussion to Betsy Higgins but  I have not 
heard from her at all since.
My own laptop is being renewed so I  have resorted to using a daughter's 
which is not the best.
Betsy and Lyn  need to discuss all the comments which have been posted and 
then decide the  best move in the interests of ASI.
Pat Toolan
ASI  President

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