Re: AIS Website

Hello John, I guess I missed the November questionnaire, So here are some comments from Region 20. We think that all the categories you listed are important audiences, so we're not sure if there is a most important one. The website needs better graphic design. The region 20 website was redesigned in 2007 by Patrice Van Vleet, who is a graphic designer, and we think it looks pretty spiffy. Go to < aisregion20> The AIS website should have links to the regions, national events, award winners, and links to commercial growers, and it already has these features. It should also have lots of up to date pictures of award winners and recent introductions. By "recent", we mean within the past 5 years. In the galleries, there should be a special feature, such as historics, siberians, dwarfs, etc. Several times a year the special feature should be changed. Improved graphic design also means that the website should be easy to navigate.
Steve Blecher, Region 20

On Feb 11, 2008, at 8:47 AM, John I Jones wrote:

Last November, I asked you all on this list for suggestions about the AIS website. (Well some of you are new to the list since then, so this is you first exposure to the questions.)

I got two responses (thank you both).

So I ask again (with slightly modified questions):

What do you think the main audience for the website is? (AIS members? Non-AIS members? Experienced iris growers? Beginner iris growers? Hybridizers? People wanting to buy irises? Wanting to find clubs? Other?[obviously I have not listed everything nor necessarily even the most important ones])

Why do you think they come to our website?

What action do you want people to take when they first come to our website.

What do you think the primary emphasis of our site should be?

While it is important to have as much information as possible on our website, should we structure the site so that the most important information for the highest use audience is the most readily available. If not what should be the highest priority? (Yes we want to have obvious links to the other types of information.)

What do you think the bad things about our website are?

What websites demonstrate the kind of things you would like to see for the AIS website?

What other questions should be asked here?

What other ideas do you have?

Now is your chance.



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