Re: Ken Waite death


   Its easy to see why you forgot. I went back and read it and there were
several you wrote about in that issue that were such wonderful close friends
and workers for AIS. Dave

-----Original Message-----
From: MORRISJE1 <>
To: aisdiscuss <>
Sent: Sat, Dec 21, 2013 10:45 pm
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Ken Waite death


ast president Ken Waite (1918-2010).  I really have egg on my  face.  Even
hough we just received notice of his death to remove him from  the
ulletin mailing list, I wrote an obituary on him in the January 2011
If you have that copy, refer to pp. 14-15.  So,  please return to your
hristmas preparations and celebration.  Sorry my  memory is so short.  Thanks
hose who responded.  We are in this  together!

im Morris
merican Iris Society
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