Re: Registration fee increase

Thanks Michelle, I hadn't tracked when the motion on the floor began.  I assume I will know when the motion on the floor as been given its time and the motion for clarifying the registration increase can be made.
On Dec 16, 2009, at 2:42 PM, Michelle Snyder wrote:

In response to Jeanne's question as to when she can propose another motion, the current motion has to be cleared before another motion can be made.  That means it must go through the one week of discussion and the one week of vote.


On 12/16/2009 11:46 AM, Jeanne Plank wrote:
I believe a motion is on the floor right now regarding the I to Js.  Your need for a correction where the Registration fee raise is concerned is quite valid but may need to wait through the I t J motion's life.  
If necessary,  I will be happy to present your request in the form of a motion to correct the action taken by the Board at the Fall Meeting in Tulsa.  What would you like me to do?  
 When may I propose the motion to correct the Board action in Tulsa?


On Dec 16, 2009, at 10:29 AM, Mike Lowe wrote:

Just read the full AIS Fall 2009 meeting minutes.

We had assumed that all fees, (Transfer, Reserve and Registration) were raised to $15.00. 

Unfortunately, the motion reads as follows:
Budget for 2009-2010
             Treasurer Bonino opened a line-by-line discussion of the Proposed Budget for the fiscal year 2009-2010, with changes that had been added and subtracted as they came up for discussion throughout the meeting.  During the discussion the fees for iris registration was discussed.
             *Williams moved and Jones seconded:
             **That we raise the registration fee to $15.00 effective June 30, 2010.  Motion carried carried with a vote of 12-2.

With the transfer and reserve fees remaining at $10.00 we have a problem.

The motion should read something such as: “ ... to raise the fee for registering an iris, transferring an iris name or reserving an iris name with AIS to $15.00 effective July 1, 2010.” 

There will still be a minor problem as between now and July 1 2010, large numbers of reserves will be done to circumvent the $15.00 fee. (any name can be converted to a registration with no additional fee while the reserve is current) This is unavoidable until the last of the $10.00 reserves run out, which will be 30 Nov. 2013.

Best regards,

Mike & Anne Lowe



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