Re: Registration fee increase

I believe a motion is on the floor right now regarding the I to Js.  Your need for a correction where the Registration fee raise is concerned is quite valid but may need to wait through the I t J motion's life.  
If necessary,  I will be happy to present your request in the form of a motion to correct the action taken by the Board at the Fall Meeting in Tulsa.  What would you like me to do?  
 When may I propose the motion to correct the Board action in Tulsa?


On Dec 16, 2009, at 10:29 AM, Mike Lowe wrote:

Just read the full AIS Fall 2009 meeting minutes.

We had assumed that all fees, (Transfer, Reserve and Registration) were raised to $15.00. 

Unfortunately, the motion reads as follows:
Budget for 2009-2010
             Treasurer Bonino opened a line-by-line discussion of the Proposed Budget for the fiscal year 2009-2010, with changes that had been added and subtracted as they came up for discussion throughout the meeting.  During the discussion the fees for iris registration was discussed.
             *Williams moved and Jones seconded:
             **That we raise the registration fee to $15.00 effective June 30, 2010.  Motion carried carried with a vote of 12-2.

With the transfer and reserve fees remaining at $10.00 we have a problem.

The motion should read something such as: “ ... to raise the fee for registering an iris, transferring an iris name or reserving an iris name with AIS to $15.00 effective July 1, 2010.” 

There will still be a minor problem as between now and July 1 2010, large numbers of reserves will be done to circumvent the $15.00 fee. (any name can be converted to a registration with no additional fee while the reserve is current) This is unavoidable until the last of the $10.00 reserves run out, which will be 30 Nov. 2013.

Best regards,

Mike & Anne Lowe


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