Re: JT Handbook Item#2, Plus

Fine with me.

I will have Items 3 and 4 and ?? ready for your return.

I plan to prepare an historical chronology of titles for judges to present
along with recommendation for consideration at Portland.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 1:21 AM
Subject: [AISdiscuss] JT Handbook Item#2, Plus

> Greetings:
>      I am beginning JT Handbook Revision Item #2 for you to examine
> Bob and I are getting ready to drive to So Cal on Thursday where we will
> attend
> the R15 Regional and I will give a garden Judges Training.   We will not
> back in beautiful (but wet & cold) Clear Lake until Monday.   Things need
> proceed with our Handbook review.    Here is item #2:
>      Item 2.   Required training in the garden.  Keep in mind that all
> voted by AIS judges are garden awards.  Current requirements are that each
> apprentice judge must certify that he/she has received two, two-hour,
> one-on-one
> tutoring sessions with an accredited tutor (currently that would be
> Active Master, Emeritus). Current requirements state "When an Active
> Judge tutors an apprentice judge, the apprentice receives training credit,
> active master judge does not."  Is this logical in light of the more
> requirement that each garden judge must earn and certify two (2) hours of
> in-garden training during each 3-year period and that each Active Master
> must
> earn and certify one (1) hour of in-garden training each 3-year period?
> prohibition of the Active Master tutor receiving credit may be logical for
> Exhibition tutoring, but is it logical for one-on-one garden training?
>       This should give everyone something to think about when you're going
> sleep at night -- I know none of us has any time during the frantic days
> April.
>      So far 11 inidividuals have responded with comments on Item #1 -- 
> make responses to this one reach 15 individuals!
>      A REMINDER:
>           Two weeks from today is May 1 -- Patricia will be eagerly
> to hear from you and receive your committee reports. Don't let her (nor
> down.
>      While I am So Cal, I can be contacted in several ways -- the Region
> Regional is being hosted by the home affiliate of both Jill Bonino, and
> Snyder and they will know how to reach me.
>      We will be staying at the Burbank Holiday Inn (located in beautiful
> downtown Burbank).
>      Cheers!
>           Jeanne
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