JT Handbook Item#2, Plus

     I am beginning JT Handbook Revision Item #2 for you to examine because
Bob and I are getting ready to drive to So Cal on Thursday where we will
the R15 Regional and I will give a garden Judges Training.   We will not be
back in beautiful (but wet & cold) Clear Lake until Monday.   Things need to
proceed with our Handbook review.    Here is item #2:

     Item 2.   Required training in the garden.  Keep in mind that all awards
voted by AIS judges are garden awards.  Current requirements are that each
apprentice judge must certify that he/she has received two, two-hour,
tutoring sessions with an accredited tutor (currently that would be Garden,
Active Master, Emeritus). Current requirements state "When an Active Master
Judge tutors an apprentice judge, the apprentice receives training credit, the
active master judge does not."  Is this logical in light of the more recent
requirement that each garden judge must earn and certify two (2) hours of
in-garden training during each 3-year period and that each Active Master judge
earn and certify one (1) hour of in-garden training each 3-year period?  This
prohibition of the Active Master tutor receiving credit may be logical for
Exhibition tutoring, but is it logical for one-on-one garden training?
      This should give everyone something to think about when you're going to
sleep at night -- I know none of us has any time during the frantic days of
     So far 11 inidividuals have responded with comments on Item #1 -- Let's
make responses to this one reach 15 individuals!

          Two weeks from today is May 1 -- Patricia will be eagerly waiting
to hear from you and receive your committee reports. Don't let her (nor me)

     While I am So Cal, I can be contacted in several ways -- the Region 15
Regional is being hosted by the home affiliate of both Jill Bonino, and Gerry
Snyder and they will know how to reach me.
     We will be staying at the Burbank Holiday Inn (located in beautiful
downtown Burbank).


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