Re: JT Handbook Revisions

Hi All,

    Jim's suggestion on levels has appeal, but I'm not much for change unless 
it does create improvement.  Also, I don't feel the current designations are 
that bad.  There might be an improvement if we went to Student, Apprentice 
Judge, Judge, Active Master & Retired Master.  The change to the simpler term 
Judge should eliminate any current confusion caused by the term "garden".   The 
facts that a Judge can judge both in the garden and on the bench and that 
Retired Master can still judge shows should still just be addressed in the 
discription and not in the title.  I believe trying to provide more discriptive titles 
will just create more confusion.

    I believe we should continue expecting our accredited AIS Judge to be 
trained in both garden and show judging.  The simpler we keep the titles and 
functional assignments the less confusion we should have.

Have a Happy Easter

Brad K

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