Re: Loberg Questions on AIS Library exhibits


      This one doesn't need much action to get started.   For all of the 
years the Library has existed, it is either cataloged, or not.  It might be 
on 3x5 index cards.  Or it might be in a report, or on a computer.   It 
surely would be simple enough for someone on the Board to make the inquiry. 
I would be glad to make the inquiry myself, but since I am not a Board 
member, I have to defer to this group.

     Once the information is in some form of electronic document, making a 
PDF takes seconds.  Putting it on a web link is only a few minutes.

     If there is no catalog at all, the idea may take time to get off the 
starting block.

     As you are thinking Jim, I too am wondering who would start the 
inquiry.  If I can be of help, please let me know.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>


And who is going to do it?  Is the AIS volunteer Librarian even aware  of
this AIS Discuss commentary on Library inventory?  Does the AIS  President
request action of the Librarian and Electronic Services & Website  chairman
(with informational copies to the Board) or do we continue talking and
talking without any real action to get anything done?  People like Bob 
Pries and
Kitty Loberg have great ideas that need refining and action. 

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