Re: [AISvote] Motion to copy chapters from world of iris to Encyclopedia

I vote yes on the following motion: "That the AIS give permission to copy
chapters from The World of Iris to be included into various topic areas of the
Jim Copeland
-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle
Snyder <>
To: aisvote <>
Wed, Sep 17, 2014 4:21 pm
Subject: [AISvote] Motion to copy chapters from
world of iris to Encyclopedia

The time for discussion on the below motion
has now passed.  For those 
voting, the motion was not put out for discussion
until Sept. 9, NOT two 
weeks ago.  Anyway, it is now out for vote.  If anyone
voted on discuss 
you need to reply to this email.

"That the AIS give
permission to copy chapters from The World of Iris to 
be included into
various topic areas of the Encyclopedia"

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