[AISvote] Fw: [AISconfer] Alan Meerow Grant Extension

Greetings to all voting members of AIS:
Per John's and Jeanne's correspondence and correction (which I should have
known in the first place) this motion and second is being channeled to the
AISvote mail for the legality of our recording of same.  Thanks for the
correction, and now on the proper channel---voting may commence, and any
responses on the confer channel will be disregarded.  For the record, I vote
yes on the proposal.  Happy voting to all.  Patricia

----- Original Message -----
From: "JOHNNY R RANDALL" <patannran@msn.com>
To: <aisconfer@aisboard.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 10:34 PM
Subject: [AISconfer] Alan Meerow Grant Extension

> Good Evening AIS Board Members,
> Today, 9/6/06 @ 1:33 PM Gary White, Chairman of the Scientific Advisory
> made the motion:  "I therefore move that the AIS BOD approves the no-cost
> extension of Alan Meerow's current grant project (Population genetics of
> hexagona using microsatelite DNA) through April 30, 2007, as requested by
> ARS arm of the USDA".
> At 3:23 PM today, this motion was officially seconded by Paul Gossett.
> now officially opens the vote to the members of the Board of AIS.  Thanks
> your responses and participation in this request.  Patricia, AIS General
> Secretary
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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