Re: [AISvote] Motion to vote

I vote YES to the motion to reprint 2000 copies of Basic Iris Culture at a
cost of $1,000.00 with the understanding that this is to provide a sufficient
quantity for one year and is NOT a revision.

E. Roy Epperson

----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:20 PM
Subject: [AISvote] Motion to vote

> Hello Voting Members-----
> John Ludi has informed us that the AIS Storefront is sold out of the Basic
> Iris Culture booklet.  The AIS Board members, at their meeting in November,
> approved the reprinting of the BIC booklet.  As the revised edition of the
> booklet will not be completed in the near future John has proposed the
> following motion: "I make a motion that the American Iris Society reprint
> copies of the 2nd Edition of the Basic Iris Culture booklet with no
> substantive changes at a cost of $1000.00".  This motion has been seconded
> Treasurer Jill Bonino.  Voting is now open for 14 days.  I vote "yes".
> Patricia Randall, Secretary
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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