RE: [AISvote] Motion regarding acceptance of the revised RVP Handbook

I was one of the ones not at the board meeting that received the message
about the RVP handbook.  I was also one who worked on the revision even
though my name is not listed as RVP Rep asked to help by Roy.  I sent Rita a
few things that needed to be addressed and she was working on them, but the
most important was that the handbook still says that retired judges can
judge a show, which I did the research on and below are the two board
meetings it was decided upon or reaffirmed that they cannot judge or present
a for-credit JT course. 

Kansas City 2006 Board meeting minutes:

*Epperson moved approval, Jones seconded:
***That, by definition, a fully accredited AIS judge is any currently
approved judge in the following categories: G/E, S, M, and OS. Motion
*Epperson moved approval, Jones seconded:
***That the following statement in the Handbook for Judges and Show
Officials (page 8) be deleted: "These judges (Master/Retired) may be used as
show judge if needed by a show committee. They are to be assigned to a panel
with an accredited judge or an active Master judge." be approved. Motion
*Epperson moved approval, Jones seconded:
***That only fully accredited judges may judge in an accredited show or
present a for-credit judges training course. A retired judge may not present
a for credit
judges training course.

2006 Motions

Motion: 28
That the following statement in the Handbook for Judges and Show Officials
(page 8) be deleted: These judges (Master/Retired) may be used as a show
judge if
needed by a show committee. They are to be assigned to a panel with an
accredited judge or an active Master judge. be approved.

Motion: 29
That only fully accredited judges may judge in an accredited show, or
present a for-credit judges training course. (A retired judge may not judge
in an accredited show, nor may a retired judge present a for-credit judges
training course.)

Then in the Fall 2007 board minutes....

Keisling reported that several people have requested that a Retired (R)
judge be allowed to judge an approved iris show. A discussion followed
during which it
was reaffirmed that if Retired (R) judges decide they want to become active
again, they need to fulfill the educational requirements necessary to bring
back to an active status.
*Keup moved and Morris seconded:
**That no change in the present status of Retired Judges be made.

Now What?

Debbie Strauss
AIS Board of Directors 
MIS Fundraising Chair
R17 Newsletter & Parlimentarian
PBIS President
2213 Hereford Blvd
Midland TX 79707-5012

This year we have truly learned...
"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass....
it's about learning how to dance in the rain."
Be kinder than necessary,
Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Michelle Snyder
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 11:17 AM
Subject: [AISvote] Motion regarding acceptance of the revised RVP Handbook

Hello all,

As you may recall, at the Fall Board Meeting RIta Gormley moved and I 
seconded that the revised RVP handbook be accepted.  The handbook was 
handed out to all board members in attendance and when I returned home I 
forwarded a copy to the three board members that were not at the 
meeting.  With the Handbook being 59 pages long it was decided that it 
would be distributed to the board only.  Unfortunately, with the 
untimely death of Rita, the approaching holidays, and Judy's need to 
fill the empty positions held by Rita, motion got "lost" in the woods. 
The motion reads as follows:

                     "That the AIS Board accept this document as RVP 
Handbook Revision, October, 2010"

Since I cannot find anything in the by-laws or electronic voting 
provisions addressing my dropping the ball on this motion, I am going 
ahead and putting the motion out for vote.


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