Re: [AISvote] Motion regarding acceptance of the revised RVP Handbook

Hi all,

Recall at the meeting it was decided that after distribution to those
not in 
attendance and time for review, any changs were to be submitted on AIS

With the untimely passing of Rita, I took on the task (since I had
Rita's final 
draft in electronic format) to make the changes.  In reviewing
what was passed 
out at the meeting, I found that changes I had personally
made were not 
included. When I asked Rita why my changes weren't made, she
didn't remember 
getting them.  I, however, kept the copy I'd sent here.

long story short - the RVP Handbook distributed at the Fall meeting has
errors. I am correcting those errors.   In a discussion about this with Cheryl
few days ago, I told her I'd send her the handbook with corrections made by
early next week.  She could then take it from there - making sure everyone got
the final corrected copy.

The question is - does the revised corrected copy
need to be re-circulated to 
everyone on the board before a vote to accept is
taken.  Or, as has been 
suggested, should the motion be modified to accept
the handbook with 


From: Michelle Snyder <>
Wed, December 1, 2010 11:16:46 AM
Subject: [AISvote] Motion regarding
acceptance of the revised RVP Handbook

Hello all,

As you may recall, at the
Fall Board Meeting RIta Gormley moved and I 
seconded that the revised RVP
handbook be accepted.  The handbook was 
handed out to all board members in
attendance and when I returned home I 
forwarded a copy to the three board
members that were not at the 
meeting.  With the Handbook being 59 pages long
it was decided that it 
would be distributed to the board only. 
Unfortunately, with the 
untimely death of Rita, the approaching holidays, and
Judy's need to 
fill the empty positions held by Rita, motion got "lost" in
the woods. 
The motion reads as follows:

                    "That the AIS
Board accept this document as RVP 
Handbook Revision, October, 2010"

Since I
cannot find anything in the by-laws or electronic voting 
addressing my dropping the ball on this motion, I am going 
ahead and putting
the motion out for vote.

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