RE: [AISvote] Motion re foreign registrations - CORRECTION

I vote yes.
Cheryl Deaton

> Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 05:44:15 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [AISvote] Motion re foreign registrations - CORRECTION
> Hi everyone. I guess I shouldn't have tried to send the below motion
> out for vote late last night as you are probably aware I sent it to
> AISConfer instead of AISVote. Anyway, here is the motion for voting.
> Sorry about any confusion this may have caused.
> "That each foreign registrant pay a fee of USD$15.00 (or its equivalent
> in the country currency) per iris registration or iris name reservation
> to the country Associate Registrar. That the country Associate Registrar
> keep USD$5.00 (or its equivalent in the country currency) per iris
> registration or iris name reservation and pay the AIS USD$10.00 per
> iris registration or iris name reservation, such payments to the AIS to
> be made via a PayPal system or such other arrangements as may be
> enumerated by the AIS Registrar-Recorder for his convenience. All
> payments to the AIS registrar to be made in USD. The AIS respectfully
> requests, but does not require, the country Associate Registrars to
> accept the USD$5.00 stipend as full payment for their services as
> Associate Register in managing iris registrations and iris name
> reservations. That the services of the country Associate Registrar
> include, but may not be limited to, iris name checking against the
> database, translation (as appropriate), transliteration
> (as appropriate), and description review ad editing."
> Michelle Snyder
> AIS Secretary
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