Re: Fwd: IMPORTANT PLEASE READ payments, etc. for end of fiscal year, 2014

What a shame, I was hoping you had picked up a TARDIS in your travels.

Tom Gormley

-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle Snyder <>
Sent: Sep 7, 2014 11:37 AM
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Fwd: IMPORTANT PLEASE READ payments, etc. for end of fiscal year, 2014

Hi everyone,

I am resending the below email as I did not realize that after I had turned my computer off for the time Gerry and I were on our trip and then turned it back on, the time and date had reset back to 2002.  Anyway, I am resending this now so you should get it with a current date.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: IMPORTANT PLEASE READ payments, etc. for end of fiscal year, 2014
Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2002 07:36:05 -0700
From: Michelle Snyder <>

Hello all,

This is a reminder to anyone who submits bills/invoices for payments and checks for deposit.  The current fiscal year will be ending on Sept. 30.  In order for me to process the vouchers and to deposit checks in time for Dwayne to include them in this years treasurers report you will need to have any bills/invoices/checks to me no later than Tuesday, Sept. 23. 

Thank you,

Michelle Snyder,
AIS Secretary

Tom Gormley
AIS Membership Secretary
PO Box 177
DeLeon Springs, FL 32130

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