AIS Ballot system

>From: "aredee" <>
>Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 2:14 PM
>Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Emeritus Judges, Urgent

>Some things are perfectly fine. However, AIS Judges are the backbone of the
>Awards system--and it is not perfectly fine.

>The ballot is overwhelming. Even the most knowledgable judges have never
>heard of many cultivars on the ballot. Somewhere along the way, it was
>decided that every iris that was introduced should be eligible. In some
>classes, that may be acceptable, but in others it makes the ballot too long
>and subsequently impossible to complete.

>The result is that in many ways, the Awards system is more about popularity
>and marketing than it is about gardenability. If you don't believe it, 
>out a bed of Dyke's winners.

>What would happen if irises had to be nominated for awards? What if
>nominated irises were required to be guest plants at AIS or Section
>conventions  and Regional meetings? What if the vote had to be accompanied
>with supporting documentation?
>Dennis Hager

Dennis, you have an interesting point, "What would happen if irises had to 
be nominated for awards?"

I do agree that there are too many cultivars on the ballot.  And in reality, 
cultivar winners do NOT win by a majority.  There is no run off vote, as you 
would see in a local political election.    A cultivar can win with 12% of 
the vote, like what happened this year with the Dykes, or 14% of the vote, 
like happened in 2008.   If there had been a run-off vote, there would be no 
guarantee all judges in various growing areas of the country would switch 
their vote to the cultivar that had the 12% or 14% vote.

I do think often an iris makes it through the Awards system because the 
hybridizer recognizes that to get an award, you have to be diligent on 
getting distribution of the iris to gardens at conventions.

I do have a question.  It would be interesting to see the statistics from 
the AIS registrar.   For a past period of time, 5 - 10 years. what are the 
numbers of new introductions by types of irises?  Has that been published 
and I missed it in a bulletin?   I'm wanting to know whether it is 
approximately the same each year, on an increase, or decrease?


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