John Jones did (and perhaps still does) have a backup service for the  
Treasurer and others.  BUT -- I'm not sure of whether or not it is  
being used.   It's one thing to have a backup system on hand, it's  
quite another to actually use it?!?  But again -- there was a backup  
system -- though perhaps not as universal as we are now discussing,  
and that is what we should be considering --  where we should go --  
broader use.
On Sep 9, 2009, at 12:25 PM, Rita Gormley wrote:

> Obviously, we need feedback from our Electronics Chair because the  
> "offsite
> backup technology" has made great advances in recent years.  For  
> not a big
> cost, there are storage sites that will take all kinds of files  
> ( MemSec uses
> FileMaker Pro as does Registrar I think, Treasurer uses Quickbooks  
> etc).
> AIS does need to have a "written policy" for backup of important  
> information
> that would cause a Disaster if lost.  Each of us probably has our  
> individual
> "plans" doing consistent backup but if there was a central offsite  
> storage, it
> would be much better.
> Rita Gormley

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