Re: 2006 Fall Board Meeting information and registration form


No where on the Registration Form does it say where to send the form to
or an address. I think that information should be included on the form.



On Tue, 26 Sep 2006 07:05:39 -0600 "JOHNNY R RANDALL" <>
> Good Morning AIS members,
> The information for the scheduled 2006 Fall Board Meeting in Kansas 
> City, MO
> for Friday November 3 through Sunday November 5, along with the 
> registration
> form have been posted on the AIS Web Site at:
> for your access convenience.  Please place 
> your
> reservations with the hotel ASAP, to qualify for the discounted room 
> rate,
> reservations MUST be received by noon on October 10th.  Your 
> registration,
> containing all the information request by Judy (Meeting Chairman) 
> completed,
> along with your check are to be mailed to her directly, receipt to 
> her by
> October 20th PLEASE!  You can download this information and 
> registration form
> using the same ID and Password as in the past.  As reports are 
> received by me,
> they will be forwarded to John for inclusion on this same site.  
> PLEASE down
> load and have in hand for the meeting.  I greatly appreciate your 
> utilization
> of this process to alleviate the burden of 40 copies (each) being 
> provided by
> me (hefty burden to say the least).  Thanks for your assistance with 
> this
> request.  Patricia Randall, General Secretary
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