2006 Fall Board Meeting information and registration form

Good Morning AIS members,
The information for the scheduled 2006 Fall Board Meeting in Kansas City, MO
for Friday November 3 through Sunday November 5, along with the registration
form have been posted on the AIS Web Site at:
www.aisboard.org/aisdocs/ for your access convenience.  Please place your
reservations with the hotel ASAP, to qualify for the discounted room rate,
reservations MUST be received by noon on October 10th.  Your registration,
containing all the information request by Judy (Meeting Chairman) completed,
along with your check are to be mailed to her directly, receipt to her by
October 20th PLEASE!  You can download this information and registration form
using the same ID and Password as in the past.  As reports are received by me,
they will be forwarded to John for inclusion on this same site.  PLEASE down
load and have in hand for the meeting.  I greatly appreciate your utilization
of this process to alleviate the burden of 40 copies (each) being provided by
me (hefty burden to say the least).  Thanks for your assistance with this
request.  Patricia Randall, General Secretary

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Pat Randall <patannran@msn.com>
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