Re: AIS 2006 Photo Contest

Good Evening All,
I ditto Paul's sentiments to Kitty on the results of the Photo Contest.  Am
so glad to hear that it resulted in an overwhelming turnout of photos and
participants.  And my thanks to you Kitty on your suggestion, time and
dedication to this wonderful endeavor.  I too can hardly wait to see some
samples of the entries and the winning photos and  photographers.  I second
Paul's suggestion about the display at next year's national, what a super
way to advertise the success of the project and generate more enthusiam for
next year's contest(?).  Way to go gal!!! Patricia

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul W Gossett" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] AIS 2006 Photo Contest

> THANKS Kitty for all of the work you have done with the Photo Contest. I
> am looking forward to seeing the results.  Do you think that you might
> want to setup a display of  the photographs at the OKC convention next
> year?
> On Wed, 6 Sep 2006 22:15:14 -0700 "K. Loberg" <>
> writes:
> > Hi everyone!
> >
> >     Our AIS Photo Contest is now closed.   We have had a wonderful
> > participation, as I now have photos filling/overflowing a large
> > binder.
> > Our three judges are really going to have a challenge with their
> > judging!
> > All photos have been placed on paper and inserted into sheet
> > protectors.
> > My shipping box is prepared and they will be shipped to our first
> > judge
> > tomorrow.   While I have been organizing the photos, I have also had
> > the
> > opportunity to scan all pages which gives me a backup, and prepares
> > me for
> > the later job of presenting winners on a web page.
> >
> >     The photos have been just amazing and it's been a joy to see and
> > admire
> > them.  I'll have more of a report later, and hopefully have the
> > judging
> > results around the first of October.
> >
> >     I did want to report about the contest entry forms.   Forty
> > seven
> > percent (47%) of the contestants used the AIS bulletin form when
> > submitting
> > their entries and the other fifty three percent (53%) used a form
> > they
> > retrieved from the internet, either the AIS web page or Region 14
> > web page,
> > or from another source such as a Section bulletin.   Most
> > individuals
> > submitted five photos, but some only submitted one or two photos.
> >
> >     Seventy two percent (72%) waited until the month of August to
> > send in
> > their entries, even though the contest had been printed in the April
> >
> > bulletin issue and was on the web pages as well.
> >
> >     We have had one entry from a Youth.   I have had two entries
> > mailed from
> > France.
> >
> >     It has been fun so far, and I can't wait until I hear back from
> > the
> > judges!
> >
> > Kitty Loberg
> >
> > AIS Photo Contest Chair
> >
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