Section Mini-convention Bulletin coverage

I'm seeking opinions please.
The Bulletin is all things to all  people in our iris world.  There is 
competition for copy space from a  number of fronts.  We attempt to provide 
publicity and coverage of all  national iris events, be it the parent 
organization or our Sections and  Co-operating Societies.  In the spring of 2017 there 
will be  mini-conventions by the Median Iris Society, The Society for 
Louisiana Irises  and the Spuria Iris Society.  I don't believe we should devote 
one-two  pages of Registration and publicity pages for each Section in our 
fall and/or  winter issues but would like your thoughts and opinions.  I 
think it better  for each to publicize and print their registration forms in 
their own  bulletins.  We are going to press for an October 10 publish/mail  
date so need a quick response.
Thank you.

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