Catalog Scanning Proposal

John Jones has prepared a Catalog Scanning Proposal to the AIS Foundation  
to scan the collection of iris catalogs owned by Mike and Anne Lowe to  
create an online accessible library in memory of Mike Lowe.  The quantity  of 
pages to be OCR scanned is unknown at this time but the estimated cost to  
scan and convert to Adobe PDF is $0.56 per page for approximately 10,000  pages.
Many of you may know that a similar long range plan for the AIS Iris  
Encyclopedia exists to post iris catalogs so this would help in that effort  as 
well as long as a disk is provided to/for that effort.  The two should  be 
compatible.  Gary White, as AIS 1st vice president, is also on the AIS  
Foundation and in discussion with me felt that this should be brought to the  
attention of the AIS board.
Jim Morris
American Iris Society

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