This is my final reminder to those of you who are responsible for reports for the upcoming board meeting. When preparing your reports, please pay attention to the following:

1. I need to have all of the reports no later than **Friday, October 30**, since Gerry and I are driving and will be leaving here on Nov. 3. Having the reports by Oct. 30 will give me the time I need to make any title changes that may be needed and then send the report off to John for uploading to the web site.

2.. Please be sure and send your reports to me in PDF format if possible. Also please remember that following the following arre not to be used ; spaces, commas, colons, parentheses, or any other special characters in the file name. Examples are:

                        Convention Update#2
                        Meetings (Fall 2009)

3. You may use any alphabetic or numeric character and the "underscore" (_) or "Dash" (-)
         characters in the file name. Examples are:


4. All title identifiers should be followed by the term Fall2009, such as:

                        InsuranceReportFall2009 or

5. If you have to send a revised report please make sure you include the term "Rev" (without
         the quotes) followed by a number.  Example:


Remember, if you do not have your report to me by Oct. 30, it will be your responsibility to bring it with you to the meeting along with enough copies for the other attendees. That means you will have to bring between 25-30 copies. I will be sending out other reminders as the month progresses. As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. The reports are to be sent directly to me at as no attachments can be sent via AISDiscuss.

Thank you,

Michelle Snyder

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