Re: Southern California

Good Afternoon All,
Like so many others across the nation, we have been avidly watching the very sad news of the devasting fires in California, and have also been wondering if any of our beloved AIS friends were being impacted by this destruction.  My heart goes out to anyone, regardless of race, creed, religion, or social status, next to losing loved ones I think losing all of ones precious possessions has to be nearly as heartbreaking.  I remember touring the devestation around Los Alamos, New Mexico a few years ago when hundreds of acres of timberland, and numerous homes were wiped out because of a "controlled burn" that went terribly wrong.  My heart still bleeds from those memories.  They announced on the news last night that 60 fire fighters from the state of New Mexico were being deployed to California to assist in battling the numerous blazes.  God Bless you all, and please know that our hearts and prayers have been with all of you.  Patricia

-----Original Message-----
>From: Deatons <>
>Sent: Oct 24, 2007 3:17 PM
>Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Southern California
>Hello Everyone!
>Thank you Paul for your thoughts and prayers.  My family was lucky in that
>the fire did not reach our home, but unfortunately it destroyed the homes of
>others very nearby.  My prayers go out to those in San Diego as they were
>not as fortunate as we were in Canyon Country.  Take care.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Paul W Gossett" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 8:15 AM
>Subject: [AISdiscuss] Southern California
>> To our AIS Friends,  there families and everyone in Southern California,
>> Your AIS friends and families in Region 22 (Oklahoma and Arkansas) send
>> our thoughts a prayers to all of you.  We are praying that the fires will
>> end soon and so that you can start putting your lives back together.
>> I know that members of the American Red Cross left Tulsa yesterday for
>> Southern California and more people from other organizations will also be
>> leaving for there too.
>> Paul
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