#4 of 6
From: bfilardi@comcast.net
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To: Robt R Pries <rpries@sbcglobal.net>, MORRISJE1@aol.com, aitken@flowerfantasy.net, George & Margaret Sutton <margaret@suttoniris.com>
Cc: PlankMail@aol.com
Subject: Re: Bulletin Advisory Committee
Date: Sunday, October 08, 2006 6:32:42 PM [View Source]
Mr. Pries: Your comments show your continued ignorance. If you had been paying intelligent attention at the Board Meeting, you would know that different printers work with different types of presses, and not all can provide the same number of pages without additional cost; different printers work with different qualities of paper; different printers have different binding capabilities. Perhaps you were unable to understand that when explained previously. I will try to explain to you yet again that our same specifications were presented to ALL the bidders, as was a sample copy of the Bulletin. The bids that we received represented each printer's closest approach to meeting our specifications. Is there some way I can make that easier for you to understand? Bruce Filardi
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