Re: Guidelines for those helping with the AIS JT Manual

Yes, good idea.
In the current rough draft, the chapter title is at the top while page number and date of revision are at bottom of page. 
The numbers of the chapters will likely change, so at this time, only the chapter title is at the top of the page.
It's important for judges to have the most current version of each chapter.
Hence including the date of revision on each page.

Claire S

On Wed, Nov 4, 2020 at 8:18 AM <> wrote:
Excellent idea

Neil Houghton, AIS Image Coordinator
AIS Digital Program Coordinator
Greater Rochester IRIS Society
3873 Rush Mendon Rd
Mendon, NY 14506
Sent from my iPad

On Nov 3, 2020, at 1:43 PM, wrote:

It has been suggested that the pages be numbered by Chapter, ie Chapter 1 pages would be 1-1, 1-2, 1-3; Chapter 2 - 2-1, 2-2, 2-3; Chapter 3 - 3-1, 3-2, 3-3 and so on. This would make it easier 1. to add pages to a Chapter or make future changes/additions, 2. to search for information by Chapter pages.

John Ludi

Please note: message attached

From: andi rivarola <>
Subject: Guidelines for those helping with the AIS JT Manual
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2020 09:15:21 -0800

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