Draft 2015 AIS ballot available

John Jones has posted a draft version of the 2015 AIS awards ballot to the AIS web site. It is available at:


It is being made available so that hybridizers, judges, and any other interested parties can check it for errors. Many steps go into the preparation of the ballot, and the more eyes that look it over the better.

It is interesting that one of the two recent minor changes to the Awards rules has affected this ballot. Previously the rules stated that there were to be minimum of two votes and two winners in each HM and AM class, so that if there were only two candidates in a class there would no voting that year, and both candidates would be held over until there were at least three. Now the rule states that if there are only two candidates there will be one vote and one winner. This is the case for AB HM in the 2015 ballot.

(Just for completeness, the other change is that there is no longer a rule stating that there must be at least three candidates in each class on the ballot for the Dykes Medal.)

Note that these awards are voted by accredited AIS judges and not the full AIS membership or the general public. Also, only the official ballot, which is mailed to the judges, can be used for voting, since there may be changes in case omissions or other errors are found.

Please let me know if you find any problems with the draft ballot.

Gerry Snyder
AIS Awards Chair

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