Re: Farewell and Thank You

Dear  Paul:

    I want to personally thank you for all you have done for AIS. You have
always been behind the scenes making sure that everythibg ran smoothly.
There's more to it than most people may realize, I believe, and you have been
up to the task. Thanks again Paul. Da ve Niswonger

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul W Gossett <>
To: aisdiscuss <>
Sent: Tue, Nov 2, 2010 11:24 pm
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Farewell and Thank You

Good Evening Folks,
As I prepare to leave for the AIS Fall Board Meeting in Portland, I am
eminded that I will no longer be sitting at the directors table, as my
erm as a director expires at the start of the meeting.  I have enjoyed
ll of my terms as a Director on the AIS Board and will continue to
upport the Board. I would like to THANK ALL OF YOU for your support and
lso for allowing me to serve on the AIS Board of Directors.   I have
een asked and will continue to serve as the AIS Convention Liaison, a
osition I dearly love doing.
Best Regards,

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