RE: Fall Board Meeting Motions

Hi Jody,

Thanks for correcting me, I did mean Affiliates Liaison.  And yes, as far as
I can remember the discussions about the Symposium ballot, you have covered


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Jody Nolin
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Fall Board Meeting Motions

I assume that you mean the Affiliates Liaison, Lynn.

I'm not sure I'm the best person to recap all the discussion on the topic of
printing the Symposium, but I can give it a try.  I'm sure I will miss some
important points, so the rest of the group can forgive me, or add what I
leave out.

Kate, as you can see by the various motions, we kicked this back and forth
for a while.  At one point the continuation of the symposium itself was
debated.  (The feeling was that most sections have their own version, and
TBIS has a TB version.) I think the final decision was based on a couple of
factors: 1. low number of votes, even before the change to the current
format and 2. high cost of the pages in the Bulletin and 3. the static
nature of the list of winners.  Little change is seen from year to year.

Suggestions for ameliorating the situation for non-computer users included
printing in regional newsletters and bringing printed copies to club
meetings.  There were more, but, again, I don't have all the discussion
commited to memory.

So, I hope I got that close to right.  I'm sure someone will tell me if I

On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 6:10 PM, Gerry Snyder <>
> cheryl deaton wrote:
>> Lynn,
>> Why would the Affiliates Chair answer a question that the Symposium
>> Chair, Gerry Snyder, should be answering?
> I assumed one of the board members who supported the action would be
> eager to explain it.
> Gerry
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